What Type of Food Do Turtles Eat

When it comes to what turtles eat, it can vary depending on the type of turtle, their age, and location. Generally, young turtles are carnivores while mature turtles can be omnivores or herbivores, depending on the species.

Here is a breakdown of what some common types of turtles like to eat:

River Cooter turtles primarily eat plants, while Map turtles and Malayan Box turtles eat a mix of meat and plants.
American Box turtles are omnivorous and will eat almost anything.
Chinese 3-Striped Box turtles eat mostly meat.
Red-Eared Slider turtles start off eating bugs and worms when they are young, but become omnivores as they mature.
Snapping turtles typically eat small creatures, while most other turtles stick to plants.
Many turtles eat shellfish, insects, water plants, or fish.
To ward off predators, turtles may eat poisonous plants like rhubarb, ivy, and avocado found near their habitat.
Pond turtles in the US have a varied diet consisting of insects, arthropods, small shellfish, snails, worms, and small fish.
Pet turtles should be fed good and healthy food, which can often be purchased from pet stores.
Aquatic turtles eat aquatic aquarium plants, small live fish, dried shrimp, and floating turtle pellets.
Land turtles eat special pellets made for them, as well as fruits, vegetables, and mealworms.